Miracles are not contrary to nature. but only contrary to what we know about nature
Saint Augustine
Sharing energy with this flower
Reflexology continues to inspire me with its ability to balance and heal the body. Your have over 7,000 nerve endings in your feet that relate to everything in your body. They represent a virtual 'map' of your body. When I apply specific thumb and finger pressure to these neuro-reflex points on your feet, predictable and positive changes occur in specific areas elsewhere in your body. Reflexology approaches the body as a whole with interrelated systems. It brings balance to the entire body and systems. It’s great for pain relief, digestive issues, circulation, stress relief and much more.
“Cindy is a professional, compassionate and highly skilled reflexologist with a broad knowledge of holistic health. I was a client of Cindy’s in the Virgin Islands, where she is sorely missed.”
MAP Method™ and The Rapid Recode™ This is via zoom from anywhere! You can overcome stress, anxiety, past trauma and negative emotions. You can accomplish new goals with ease. All resistance is a set of beliefs, thoughts, identities, emotions or other aspects of you that made a decision that was useful in the past. The Rapid Recode™ is based in Neruoplasticity (the ability of the brain to rewire and neutralize memories), it’s gentle, fast and effective at healing the root cause of resistance or pain that keeps us stuck. We don’t have to be held back or controlled by trauma, fear of failure, stress, anxiety, grief, phobias, bad habits, or self-sabotaging behaviors. The brain can rewire itself and with gentle instructions to the Superconscious we can neutralize negative memories, beliefs and events that are affecting our current reality. All you have to do is breathe and observe while the is brain processing and neutralizing the memories.
What can I use it for? There are 3 main areas of focus.
You want to stop feeling emotional or physical pain, or to address something you don’t want to think about or experience anymore. After the MAP Method and Rapid Recode™ sessions you’ll experience peace around the issue/subject, less pain and more satisfaction.
You have a goal you want to create. The focus is to create the goal as smoothly and as fast as possible, by removing the barriers holding you back.
You’re not sure what to work on, but want more satisfaction, happiness and less pain/suffering. We will uncover and neutralize the subjects, blocks and barriers that may be in the way of you having your best life.
To learn more about coaching programs using MAP Method™ and the Rapid Recode™
“Cindy is the “real deal”, an authentic healer, with gifts and healing abilities that transcend this lifetime. You can just sense it when you are with her, the energy she shares is loving, nurturing and profound. When I found Cindy I was suffering from grief and trauma and my experience with her was life changing. As a result, I now have a sense of what it means to heal at the deepest level. It will be a life long journey, but I have faith that the gifts Cindy shared will always benefit me. Blessings to you Cindy, and thank you always.
“Cindy is a gifted healer and wonderful spiritual woman. After doing my Reiki l and ll training with Cindy, wonderful changes began to occur in my life. I credit Cindy with helping to set me on this wonderful path. Her Craniosacral work is also a powerful healing energy.”
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is based on the fact that "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, or when the Chakras or Meridians are blocked, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high and balanced, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. This is offered in my office or as a distance healing from anywhere.
Visceral Manipulation (VM) is based on the specific placement of soft manual forces to encourage the normal mobility, tone and motion of the viscera and their connective tissues. These gentle manipulations can potentially improve the functioning of individual organs, the systems the organs function within, and the structural integrity of the entire body.
“Idaho is fortunate to have such a gifted healer. Cindy’s treatments are beyond exceptional. I cannot convey how her treatments have helped me physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. ”